✨JR Basketball Fundraiser Wraffle!✨ $15 per ticket $60 for five spots PayPal: @lillyjjackson Venmo: @LillyjacksonAK Cash app: $Lillyjacks12 Our JR High teams are responsible for their own meals and per diem this trip. Or cash to Rose or Shea! Drawing today at noon!
3 months ago, Reanna Brown
Junior Basketball
Junior Basketball
Junior Basketball
Junior Basketball
Junior Basketball
Beautiful Earrings
Junior Basketball
Junior Basketball
Parents and Caregivers, this Friday our students will be performing and we are inviting you to join us at 1:00PM Thank you Gunalchéesh Salamat Po Gracias
3 months ago, Reanna Brown
Dancing with the spirit
Look who won October's Bully Awareness raffle. Thank you for helping Yakutat School District say "Boo to Bullying!"
3 months ago, Neisha Demmert
Upcoming Special Board Meeting November 11, 2024 05:30PM at the Yakutat School Auditorium
3 months ago, Reanna Brown
Special Meeting
Happy Native American Heritage Month
3 months ago, Neisha Demmert
Dear families and caregivers, homework club is going to be closed on Nov 11th. But will resume normal hours Tuesday November 12th. Gunalchéesh Salamat Po Gracias Thank you
3 months ago, Reanna Brown
Homework Club Closure
Thank you Betty for your hard work and dedication to our school! We APPRECIATE you!!
3 months ago, Velvet Ivers
Last week's Ch' ak' yéis' (baby eagle) was Lilli Appleby! Thank you choosing to be kind!
3 months ago, Neisha Demmert
3 months ago, Reanna Brown
Did you know you can opt-out of information being shared with military recruiters and institutions of higher learning? Here's a form you can use to opt-out. Please contact the school if you want us to print one off for you.
3 months ago, Carol Pate
Announcing Homework Club closure. There will be NO homework club this Wednesday through Friday October 30th to November 1st 2024! We will resume homework club the following week. Thank and and Happy Halloween
3 months ago, Carol Pate
Peewee Basketball is on its way!
3 months ago, Carol Pate
Last week's Ch' ak' yéis' (baby eagle) is Aiden Ross! Thank you choosing to be kind!
3 months ago, Neisha Demmert
Yakutat Elementary School presents our annual Halloween Parade!
3 months ago, Neisha Demmert
Spotlight on Class of ‘86 YHS graduate, Casey Mapes!! Thank you for all that you do for our school and students! We appreciate you!!
3 months ago, Velvet Ivers
Perfect attendance for the first quarter!! Not shown are Audi and Ethan, who are currently on a basketball trip. Nice job guys! Keep it up!!
3 months ago, Velvet Ivers
TONIGHT, Friday Oct 25th is Family Night at the school! If you have not yet submitted a photo of your pumpkin, it's not too late! Send a picture to Velvet in messenger or email velveti@yakutatschools.org today! Looking forward to seeing everyone at 6pm for an evening of fun!!
3 months ago, Velvet Ivers
family night
Don't forget to send Velvet a picture of your completed pumpkin!! (velveti@yakutatschools.org or facebook messenger) PS - some folks did not get in on a free pumpkin, but that doesn't mean that you are excluded from the contest! If you are coming to family night, and have carved a pumpkin this Halloween season that you bought yourself, send a picture to Velvet and be included in the contest!! Winning family will receive TWO $20 VCC gift cards!!
3 months ago, Velvet Ivers
Did you RSVP for our Halloween themed Family Night event?! Don't forget it is this Friday, October 25th from 6-8:00pm. We will be serving chili dogs and chips for dinner! There will be games, crafts, free books and door prizes! Wear a costume and get an extra door prize ticket! Hope to see you there!!
3 months ago, Velvet Ivers
Parent/Teacher Conferences are coming!
3 months ago, Carol Pate